with Steve Lukather(TOTO)|2015年01月28日
01-International artist 01-TOTO's Member 02-Musician & BAND & UNIT|音楽家たち 04-Artists & Me Jeff Babko &Me Keith Carlock &Me Larry Carlton &Me Steve Lukather &Me Steve Lukather|Steven Lee Lukather / スティーヴ・ルカサー(G,Vo) Toshi Yanagi &Me TOSHI YANAGI |トシ・ヤナギ TOTO |トト Travis Carlton &Me

Memories | Larry Carlton & Steve Lukather Live In Japan,Nagoya

At the entrance of the live concert, I found JEFF BABKO and called for a name. I took a picture together and handed out the souvenirs I prepared for all the members.

After the live concert was over, JEFF put it in the dressing room when I asked the woman in charge “I want to talk with JEFF”. I was impressed.

First of all, I asked Larry Carlton, the god of the guitar, to shoot with the picture. JEFF told me, “It is amazing if you get the sign of all members!”
まず、ギターの神様Larry Carltonさんと写真と一緒に撮影させてもらいました。JEFFが、「メンバー全員のサイン、貰ったらすごいよね!」と言ってくれたのです。

Next, JEFF took me to Larry ‘s son, Travis Carlton, who is in charge of the electric bass performance.

Carlton parent-child signature!!!

The third person was taken to JEFF again. I’m Keith Carlock. He is in charge of DRUMS at TOTO. I asked him for a sign. It accepted us pleasantly. But when he handed the guitar he began playing. This guitar performance was very good and I was surprised. It is the height of the quality that I can not imagine a joke. I thought again which musical instruments are good at those who are good at playing musical instruments.
三人目は、またまたJEFFに連れられて行きました。Keith Carlockさんです。彼はTOTOでDRUMSを担当しています。彼にもサインをお願いしました。快く引き受けてくれました。しかし、彼はギターを渡したら演奏を始めてしまいました。このギター演奏がとても上手でびっくりしました。ジョークとは思えないクオリティーの高さです。楽器演奏が上手な人はどの楽器も上手なんだな、と改めて思いました。

Look at that situation, JEFF to put Tsukkomi “write early!”

Of course, JEFF also wrote the signature on the guitar.

Finally, Steve lukather.
最後に、Steve lukatherさん。

It is a treasure ♪

That was also the reason for that, Mr. ToshiYanagi mentor said “Please listen to JEFF’s play by all means!”
It was a wonderful day.





【Kore X Toshi LIVE】



WITH!! でもドキドキでちゃんと演奏出来なかったよねww
